
Millennium Matters - Or does it?

MMMenuThe millennial reign of Christ involves big words, strong opinions and much confusion. So it is often left alone and seen as too divisive. But it is referred to throughout the Bible and includes such massive events, that it not only matters - it is a crucial part of God’s big plan. 

Andy seeks to explain it’s impact on planet earth in a simple and Biblical way. We consider various views in the light of scripture, see what it means for all people alive and dead and where it fits in to the bigger picture. 

It can either be added to the teaching on When Jesus Returns or run separately. This teaching is particularly helpful to those in leadership or responsible for teaching others.  Time for discussion is included.

"Thank you for giving us so much hope." (AH - Hants).
"This has been a most encouraging and fascinating teach-in - thank you." (Revd DH - Former Assistant Chaplain General)
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