
Called To Be Holy - Simply living God’s way 

CalledHolyMenuIn a digital, hedonistic society, is holiness possible? With immorality so widespread is it fair to expect Christians to be holy? Is it just about ‘being good’? Can we compromise? Does it really matter?

Living God’s way is as relevant and important as it has ever been. Christ’s call for his people to be salt and light is crucial for the well-being of society. It always has been - and is now. From Genesis to Revelation, God’s call is the same and living his way is different, challenging - but the best.

The Bible offers down-to-earth practical advice and God has provided the very best helper of all in the person of the Holy Spirit. Living holy lives in an ungodly society will not be easy, but it will be worth it. The best is yet to come!

"In his teaching on holiness, Andy patiently and clearly explains it all according to scripture. At last we see that holiness is God’s plan for all of us, not something attainable only by the few." (PL - Essex)

"The teaching on Holiness was excellent and those who came have indicated how much they valued being there and receiving important and life-changing guidance." (PK Minister - Swindon)
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