03 Overseas

Overseas Visits 

Damascus Trust makes regular visits to our partners in Romania and Rwanda. It is possible for individuals with an interest in our work to join us for one of these visits. These are opportunities to see the work, meet the people and develop our partnership. We also offer practical help where possible. So there is opportunity for people with specific skills and qualifications, such as construction, medical, teaching etc., to use those skills as part of a DT visit. 

In Romania, we have set up the Path of Life Association (Asociatia Cararea Vietii). Our work there includes running a Mentoring Programme in Oradea Prison, Children's & Youth work, support programme for the poor and marginalised and 'On The Edge' teaching course at Emmanuel University. ACV is overseen by a Management Team and a team of volunteers.

In Rwanda we are working with the Anglican Dioceses of Byumba and Gasabo. Our partnership includes Support A Parish programme, where we provide monthly prayer and financial support for 18 parishes, a Water Harvesting Project scheme in 33 parishes and practical help with schools, health clinics and construction when we can. We also support the work of self-help groups that provide training for people to earn a basic living in both dioceses.

If you would like to explore the possibility of joining us for one of our overseas visits, please get in touch with our office via the Contact Us page.

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