Water Harvest Projects
Providing water for life and sharing the Water of Life.
In dry, and often barren lands the availability of water is crucial to sustain life. In Rwanda many people have to travel significant distances, down and up hills, to collect water from either the local government water point, at a cost, or from rivers and streams. Here there is no luxury of running water at the turn of a tap.
The Water Harvest Projects (WHP) seek to make water available easily within the parish by collecting and storing rain water from the roofs of church buildings in 10,000 litre tanks. This water is made available to the local community at a fair price. Money collected is allocated for Training and Evangelism (40%), Parish Projects (20%), Management and Maintenance (20%) and new WHPs (20%). Installations are currently paid for by donations through Damascus Trust but the aim is for the projects to be self-supporting within a few years. There are now 33 parishes in the diocese of Byumba who are signed up to the DT WHP scheme. The other 16 parishes are waiting for WHPs to be installed. A diocesan WHP Manager is paid for by DT and provides monthly updates on each of the WHPs in the diocese.
It currently costs £2000 to provide and install a Water Harvesting Project in Rwanda. To give towards a WHP installation, please click on the Donate button where you can select the relevant option.
With the necessary help and support, DT hopes to establish the scheme in other dioceses in the next two years.