Donate to Damascus Trust 

Offline Payment by Bank Transfer or Cheque. To make sure we allocate your gift correctly, please complete the form below as follows:
(To pay by card online - click here)

1) Tick the box beside the relevant option/s and then enter the amount in the box that will appear at the end of the line. 

2)  Your Details: Names and email address are obligatory in order for us to send a receipt. Please provide a mailing address if delivery of anything is required. Insert any relevant reference code for any Emergency Help Fund donation.

3)  Click 'Submit pledge'. Please tick the 'Gift Aid' box if applicable. We will be notified of your intention to give and the next page will provide the details you need to fulfil your pledge. 

DT Bank details: Sort code: 30-94-93  Account no: 07425352
Mailing address: Damascus Trust, 27 Prospect Street, Tamworth, Staffs. B79 7EU

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