Donate to Damascus Trust

Online Payment by Bank Card. 
[For card payments a fee of 2.2% + 20p per transaction is deducted from your gift by the payment processor. To avoid us incurring this fee, please use the Offline Payment and give by bank transfer or cheque. To pay offline, click here.]

Please complete the form below as follows: 

1) Tick the box beside the Damascus Trust ministries which you'd like to support and then enter the amount in the box that will appear at the end of the line. (Note: Future monthly card debits will be taken on the same date as the first donation.)

2) Your Details: Names and email address are obligatory. Provide a mailing address if delivery of anything is required. Insert any relevant reference code for any Emergency Help Fund donation.

3) Payment details: Please select either 'New card' or a card that is already registered with us. Please tick the 'Gift Aid' box if relevant.

4)  Click 'Submit donation'. Your gift will be acknowledged and a receipt will be emailed to you with details of your donation.


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