Thank you for wanting to give! 

Now, please action your intention to give by using one of the two methods of payment given below.


As you have opted to give by bank transfer/standing order or cheque, here are the details that you will need.

For bank transfers / standing orders:
Account Name: Damascus Trust.        Bank Sort Code: 30-94-93 (Lloyds)            Account Number: 07425352

For cheque payments: 
Please make cheques payable to 'Damascus Trust' and post to: Damascus Trust, 27 Prospect Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire. B79 7EU. 

Once your donation/payment is paid into our account, we will make sure it is given to the ministry purpose/s that you have indicated on the previous page, and we will send you a receipt by email.

If you are paying for a Bible Readathon pack then we will notify you as to when this has been sent to you.

Please have a look at a recent edition of Newsline here to see what we are doing in different places and amongst different groups of people and pray with us that the Lord will bless what we can offer for his glory.

Your friends at Damascus Trust.

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