Confusing. Controversial. Irrelevant. 

So why bother?


The millennial reign of Jesus Christ is spoken of specifically in the book of Revelation chapter 20, but it is alluded to throughout the Bible.

So what is it? When is it? Who is involved? Is it relevant for today? Does it really matter?  

If it’s in the Bible, then it matters. If Jesus is involved, and he is, then it really matters. And if you and I will be impacted by it, and we will, then it really does matter. We need to know what the Bible says about it so that we can understand our part in this utterly amazing and unique period of time, which comes before the new heaven and earth. Closer by the day, so not to be missed.

We'll look at the key passage on face value. We'll look at other relevant Bible passages. We'll look at different views and how they fit (or not) with the Bible. We'll also see how this momentous event makes a difference to how we live today.

When? Thursday afternoons - Nov 7th - 28th. Time: 14:30 - 16:00 (UK time)
              Thursday evenings - Nov 7th - 28th. Time: 19:30 - 21:00 (UK time)

Where? on Zoom (easy to use - we can help set-up if required)

Each session will have Bible teaching, discussion / Q&A and a short break. Teaching notes will be provided.

Please register by November 1st using the response form below and we will be in touch to confirm a place and give extra details. Places are limited to make our Zoom screens manageable, so book now to make sure you are included.

Name/s of Attendees:
Email Address:
Thursday afternoon or Thursday evening?
Home Town:
Church Fellowship attended (if any):

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