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1)# ’I have commanded a widow.’
1 Kings 17:9 (7-16)
Four days ago we read of the ravens providing a delivery service for Elijah. Now we meet another of God’s secret agents. This is a beautiful insight into the ‘behind the scenes’ workings of the Lord Jehovah. Elijah was on the run from King Ahab and needed some ‘contacts’ to help him survive. God’s agents of help included this widow. Her part was nothing glamorous; we don’t even know her name; but she was chosen for special operations by the Lord, who took her every-day routine and made it a key part of his plan. That’s what God does.
He uses ordinary people, doing ordinary things to achieve the extraordinary. Our mundane lives can take on a whole new perspective when we make ourselves available as Christ’s agents. Things like ‘a small cake’, ‘a cup of water’, ‘a crimson cord’, ‘a jar of oil’, can all become the means for change when used for the Lord. Let’s not despise or dismiss the mundane. Let’s make it, and ourselves, available today and then see what God can do!
2)# ’For they were all expecting him.’
Luke 8:40 (40-48)
This expectation meant that when Jesus returned ‘a crowd welcomed him’; they were ready. Within this crowd was a man called Jairus and a woman who was sick. Both of them came to Jesus expectantly, with faith, and healing took place.
Sometimes we might miss seeing Jesus at work, in a situation or in another person, because we don’t expect him, especially if it is outside of a ‘Christian’ setting. Being ready for Jesus is how we should live. Ready for him to be working amongst the ‘sick’ and ‘sinners’ so that we can join in with what he is doing. Ready for him to use us at work, in the street, amongst our friends and family. Ready to do a work of grace in the lives of those who don’t deserve it. And, as we celebrate his first advent, let’s be ready for his second coming when there will be a somewhat bigger crowd to welcome him! Let’s make sure we’re not taken by surprise, now or then.
3)# ’Make the low tree grow tall … the dry tree flourish.’
Ezekiel 17:24 (22-24)
This is a promise that gives hope. God’s people were in exile and living under a foreign regime. They had been at the mercy of powerful rulers and had been belittled and humiliated. Only a remnant was left in the ruins of Jerusalem. How low and dry they must have felt. Yet the Lord had not forgotten them and this promise was fulfilled.
There are times, as Christians, when we might feel put down by those around us or made to look silly for how we live or what we believe. We might feel spiritually wrung out and dry, struggling to keep in fellowship with other Christians. Well, the Lord’s promise still stands. He will lift up those who are low, he will make those who are dry, flourish. If God cared so much for his people of yesterday, then he still cares for his people of today. No matter what has gone on in the past, the Lord will restore all who turn to him again.
4)# ’She keeps crying out after us.’
Matthew 15:23 (21-28)
This woman was getting on the nerves of the disciples. She may not have had the sweetest voice - but she was persistent. Her request for healing on behalf of her daughter seemed to be ignored by Jesus. Now it was getting too much for his disciples and they wanted her gone.
But what was a nuisance for the disciples was an indication of faith for Jesus. This mother acknowledged her position as a Gentile and as a woman, but she also acknowledged her reliance on the mercy of the Lord and received reward for her faith. Not only do we need the same humble and persistent attitude, but we need to learn to recognise it in others, so we don’t turn them away from coming to Jesus.
5)# ’Who sets his heart on seeking God.’
2 Chronicles 30:19 (17-20)
It’s an interesting situation here. King Hezekiah was restoring and reconsecrating the temple for worship of the Lord. In their enthusiasm to celebrate Passover, many of the Israelites had not purified themselves according to the Mosaic law. This put them under the condemnation of that law. But Hezekiah’s prayer highlights the importance of the heart over external ritual and rules. As a result, ’the LORD heard Hezekiah and healed the people’. In sharp contrast, and on many other occasions, the Israelites fulfilled the laws, but their hearts were far from God and they suffered the consequences.
Sometimes we can hinder people from serving the Lord because they don’t conform or fit the norm and we overlook their love for Jesus. Other times we give preference to some because they say and do what is acceptable, irrespective of their motives. King Hezekiah knew the hearts of people were right, even if they hadn’t fully complied with the rules and regulations. And we must do the same. God is looking for people whose hearts are set on serving him. After all, a right heart will, given time and encouragement, lead to right actions.
6)# ’He reached down from on high and took hold of me.’
Psalm 18:16 (13-19)
These words of David are during a time when he was being chased by Saul and in constant fear for his life. His enemies had been hunting him down, looking to overtake him and slay him. But whilst David struggles to avoid the grasp of his enemies, the arm of the Lord brings welcome salvation, not just once, but time and again.
Lifting someone ‘out of deep waters’ (v16), when they are being overwhelmed, requires strength and firmness. Sometimes our situation might need a firm hand from the Lord to help us to overcome. A word of rebuke or correction is not easy to take and discipline is not pleasant, but submitting to the ‘hold’ of the Lord is important if we are to avoid the grasp of the enemy. Remaining in Christ is a fundamental aspect of our discipleship and one we need to attend to on a daily basis. So let’s make sure that Jesus has hold of our lives each and every day.
7)# ’Taken away my disgrace among the people.’
Luke 1:25 (18-25)
Barrenness was often seen as a mark of being outside God’s favour and meant you were an embarrassment. Elizabeth and Zechariah had carried this shame for many years, although it was not their fault. Now as they trusted God’s promise, their shame was removed.
There are things in our lives that bring shame and disgrace which may or may not be our fault. Things said or done in a moment, that have an impact for years to come. Things suffered because of other people’s mistakes. Things hidden that we fear becoming known. Things that weigh us down. Well, things can change.
In Christ we can be healed. In Christ we can be forgiven. In Christ we are valued. No longer shunned, but welcomed. No longer hiding, but righteous before God - in Christ. Whether our circumstances change or not, our position in Christ is real and secure. Let’s enjoy living in that position today.
8)# ’Correct me, Lord, but only with justice.’
Jeremiah 10:24 (23-25)
Jeremiah recognises the value of submitting to the correction of God rather than provoking his anger. Correction is never easy to take, but it is helped if we submit rather than resist. Willingness to be corrected shows humility and a teachable spirit. The Lord can use people like Jeremiah. God’s justice will not leave us broken, but restored; not useless but ready for service. It speaks of a confidence that the Lord will do what is right and best as we submit to his correction, however painful that might be.
Our pride may be hurt, our reputation may be damaged, but it’s better to be right than wrong before the Lord. Jeremiah’s message warned of God’s impending anger upon the sin of his people. Jeremiah took notice and acted. We will do well to follow his example.
9)# ’Keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord.’
Romans 12:11 (9-16)
The Apostle Paul is on a roll here. He has just encouraged the Church in Rome to offer themselves as ‘living sacrifices’ and to use their gifts for the good of the fellowship. Now he shares a few one-liners as the Spirit prompts him. Paul has dealt with some hefty theological issues and maybe anticipates the believers getting stuck in theological debate, rather than living it out. So here’s the ‘live it out’ exhortation!
‘(You) keep your spiritual fervour…’ ‘You’ is implied in this exhortation. No excuses, no passing the buck. It’s up to us. It’s our shared responsibility, encouraging one another. The spiritual fervour (lit. burning) is maintained, by serving. It’s that passion in our hearts that we had for the Lord when we first believed. It’s that desire to be all out for Christ, whatever the cost. It’s that love for the lost that compels us to share the gospel. And it’s serving the Lord, so the effort we put in, is not in vain (see 1 Cor 15:58). May the fire of the Holy Spirit burn within us as we fervently serve the Lord today, in word and action.
10)# ’Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field.’
2 Samuel 23:12 (8-12)
As one of David’s mighty men, Shammah is a good example on three counts. Firstly he is named, clearly identified as one of David’s men. So for us, we must be clearly identified with Christ, as one of his followers.
Next, Shammah took his stand. He was ready and waiting - not running away like the others. In Ephesians 6 we are given ‘spiritual’ armour to put on, so that we can stand ready for any attack of the enemy. Sometimes we can see an attack coming, but sometimes we’re caught by surprise. That’s why we must be properly dressed and ready to stand firm.
Lastly, Shammah was in the middle of the field. This was a deliberate move. He avoided being cornered and could clearly see an approach of the enemy and so defeat them. Let’s make sure we don’t get cornered by compromising our walk with Jesus and let’s remain alert so as to defeat any attack Satan makes against us.
11)# ’You also should wash one another's feet.’
John 13:14 (12-17)
Washing feet in Bible times, was not pleasant. The feet would be hot and smelly, with dirt in between the toes and perhaps rough, cracked skin from stones and rubbing leather. It was a menial job for the servant to do. So Jesus does it, as an example for us to follow. We may not do much literal washing of feet today, but serving one another will mean accepting the dirt and grime of people’s situations and test our patience and gentleness. The dirt and grime of life is not always visible, but still needs the cleansing and healing that Jesus gives.
So let’s not be put off by outward appearances, but be ready for Christ to use us to offer help and support in his name. Washing feet means getting down on our knees, and getting our hands dirty. Helping other people requires humility and a servant heart. And one more thing. Washed feet became dirty again once out on the road. So let’s not think that helping one another is a one-off event. We’ll be doing it again and again and again - just like our Lord and Teacher.
12)# ’There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God.’
Psalm 46:4 (1-7)
In sharp contrast to the imagery of the preceding verses, where turmoil and disaster are mentioned, the Psalmist speaks here of a river and its streams bringing blessing for God’s people. Whilst there may be a prophetic aspect to this psalm, as it anticipates the New Jerusalem with its river of the water of life, it also reminds us of the ‘living water’, ‘spring of water’, that Jesus gives to all who come to him, even in the driest of times.
This is the river that provides water to all who are thirsty; freely and abundantly. This is the river that burst upon the Church on the day of Pentecost and has been washing lives clean ever since. This is the river that will never run dry and provides safety and security for all who are baptised into Christ. The turmoil of the world around us need not disrupt the peace we can have as we bathe in this river. Be refreshed in God’s river of blessing today!
13)# ’Continued to spread the word.’
John 12:17 (12-19)
The raising of Lazarus from the dead had happened some time earlier, but the people who were there when Jesus called Lazarus from the tomb, kept talking about it. As a result, even more people wanted to meet Jesus. In fact the Pharisees said that ‘the whole world has gone after him!’
In a society that is more and more ignorant of who Christ Jesus is, there is just as much need for those of us who have new life in Christ, and have experienced his transforming power, to ‘spread the word’. People need to know that there is salvation available from the deadly disease of sin and its eternal consequences, but only in Jesus.
We may be challenged over what we believe as Christians, but let’s not stop talking about what Jesus has done for us. If God is graciously at work in our lives, then we must generously tell others, so that they can also experience forgiveness and new life in Christ. So let’s ‘spread the word’ today, and share the good news of Jesus.
14)# ’Commit to the Lord whatever you do.’
Proverbs 16:3 (1-6)
‘... and your plans will succeed’. This may seem like an easy recipe for quick success, but take a closer look and this phrase comes between ‘motives are weighed by the Lord’ and ‘The Lord works out everything for his own ends’. If what we do is to be successful (lit. established) then the motives of our hearts must be right and our plans must be in accordance with God’s will. Nothing more; nothing less.
Bright ideas are not what the Lord is looking for from us, but a willingness to give our lives in service for hIs plans. It’s not about us getting God to do what we want, but us working with God to do what he wants. As we lay out our lives today, let’s allow God’s will to be worked out in and through us, whatever we do.
15)# ’I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked.’
Ezekiel 33:11 (7-11)
This may come as a surprise, especially when we consider some of the evil that has been done by one person against another person. The Israelites felt that they had gone too far with their wickedness and rebellion against God. ‘How then can we live?’ was their cry. It was as if they felt that God would be pleased to be rid of them. But not so. God wants all men everywhere to repent and turn from their wickedness whilst they have the breath of life (Acts 17:30). Death is not just the end of life on earth, but also the end of any hope for repentance and change.
Some people today feel that they can never be accepted by God, that their sins are too great, that they have fallen too far. But the cry of God is still, ‘Turn! Turn from your evil ways!’ However far we have fallen, whatever wrong we have done, whilst there is breath in our bodies, then we can turn in repentance away from our sin and towards a God who can forgive, heal and restore. Unlike us, who can find it hard to forgive, ‘the LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion.’ (Num 14:18)
16)# ’The large crowd listened to him with delight.’
Mark 12:37 (35-40)
They’d never heard anyone quite like Jesus. His teaching had authority and he had time for the ordinary and marginalised people. His teaching spoke of close relationship with God, but also revealed the hypocrisy of the religious leaders and pulled the rug of pomposity from under their feet. But listening ‘with delight’ is one thing; putting it into practice is another.
The psalmist said: ‘I delight in your decrees … in your commands … in your law.’ How? Just by listening to them, reading them? No, but by living them out. As James wrote, ‘Do not merely listen to the word ... Do what it says.’ That’s the challenge and the encouragement, but it’s the only way that we will experience the delight that the Psalmist spoke about. Daily Bible reading is good, but even better when, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we let it make a difference to how we live, day by day.
17)# ’Well versed in the Law of Moses.’
Ezra 7:6 (1-7)
This doesn’t simply mean that Ezra could recite the law of Moses from memory. It indicates a clear understanding of the words and their meaning and an ability to share it with others. It came from reading, meditating and then applying it to life. He didn’t just want to be full of knowledge, but wanted it to make a difference to how he and God’s people lived.
This is something we need in the church today. People who are ‘well versed’, thoroughly familiar, with God’s Word. We may not have the lineage of Ezra, who could trace his ancestry back to Aaron, but if we know what the Bible says, then we can share its truth with other people. As important as it is to read the Bible, so we must learn to listen and meditate on what the Spirit teaches us through his Word, so that it is inscribed on our hearts. The more we read the Bible, the more the Holy Spirit will teach us. The more we learn, the more we can share, and the better our living for Christ will be.
18)# ’Those ... with us are more than those ... with them.’
2 Kings 6:16 (13-17)
The Apostle Paul said that we do not fight against flesh and blood - yet so often we fight as if we do. Elisha’s servant had seen the size of the ‘flesh and blood’ army surrounding them and he all but lost heart as he asked ‘what shall we do?’
The reality of what we can see often blinds us to the reality of what we can’t see. We may not get our own view of the angelic powers that are on our side, but we do have the record of this incident as the next best thing. Let’s not let our physical senses restrict our faith in what is unseen.
But Christians should have a sixth sense - an awareness of the spiritual forces we engage with as followers of Christ and the angelic help available to us. This doesn’t give us the right to ‘throw our weight around’ - because it’s not our weight - but it does give us the assurance that we are never on our own. So as one year ends and another one begins, whatever we face or whatever comes against us, let’s rely on the help of the Holy Spirit and ministering angels, to see us safely through.
19)# ’Your love and faith, your service and perseverance.’
Revelation 2:19 (18-25)
This is the commendation from Jesus to his Church in Thyatira. And what a commendation containing four words for us to consider. Love, faith, service and perseverance.
Love, is the Greek word ‘agape’ - indicating wilful action. It’s sacrificial kindness to those who don’t deserve it. Just like Christ has done for us.
Faith is where we step into another dimension, where assurance and certainty are not based on what our senses detect, but on the eternal word and promises of God.
Service is what a servant provides, not for themselves, but for the benefit of other people.
Perseverance is keeping going, especially in the face of difficulties, knowing that eternal reward awaits all who finish and don’t give up. Love, faith, service and perseverance - qualities of Christ that should be evident in all who follow him.
Sadly, for all that is commended, the church in Thyatira tolerated false teaching and its associated practices. It’s a timely reminder that diligence in some areas of our lives, must not be undermined by complacency in others.
20)# ’You are the man!’
2 Samuel 12:7 (5-10)
It’s never easy to confront our own sin, especially when our reputation is at stake. David was king, loved and adored by his people. He had been chosen by God and had defeated many of Israel’s enemies. Life was sweet and David was lulled into a false sense of security. His initial indiscretion led to attempts at a cover-up which, when they failed, led to a pre-arranged killing. He was so confident that he’d got away with it that he didn’t recognise himself in the prophet Nathan’s story.
But God doesn’t turn a blind eye or a deaf ear. Nor is he influenced by popularity, power or position. David’s sin was exposed and the consequences were severe. It was a hard lesson that David had to learn and the fall-out lasted for generations.
We all do wrong, accidental or deliberate, inadvertently or premeditated. So let’s be quick to own up, come to the Lord in repentance and get things sorted, rather than think we can get away with it and actually make things worse, for us and for other people.
21)# ’What you are doing is not right.’
Nehemiah 5:9 (6-12)
There are times when we need to be told the facts as they really are. It appears that over time, amongst the Jews, the rich and influential had taken advantage of the poor and helpless and this had become accepted as the norm. But that didn’t make it right, and it needed some blunt talking from Nehemiah to sort things out. It’s easy for us to fall into the same trap.
Given time, wrong attitudes and actions that become acceptable in society can sometimes become acceptable within God’s people, which is not right. So we must be on our guard and help one another. This is not to puff ourselves up or have a ‘holier than thou’ attitude, but simply to recognise that, as members of God’s Kingdom, we live by his standards and not by those of society around us. Following this rebuke by Nehemiah, the people took action to put things right and it’s important for us to do the same.
22)# ’I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.’
Jeremiah 30:17 (12-17)
What a promise this is! For the people of Israel and Judah who were in captivity, away from their homeland, these were comforting words indeed. As a people, they had sinned and had suffered the consequences. They had been attacked, defeated and led into exile. The future seemed bleak. But God had not abandoned them and he promised restoration and healing. As the people of Israel and Judah turned back to the Lord, so they experienced his unfailing love, mercy, grace and forgiveness.
It may be that, at this time of unrest and uncertainty within the world, we feel somewhat desperate and uneasy, unsure about the future. Whatever the cause, whoever is at fault, this promise still stands and there is hope, restoration and healing with Jesus. However deep the wounds, Christ can heal. However damaged we are, Christ can restore. However desperate we feel, Christ gives us hope. So let’s come and receive this hope, restoration and healing from Jesus today.
23)# ’Distracted by all the preparations.’
Luke 10:40 (38-42)
This comment about Martha is in contrast to what is said of her sister Mary ‘who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said.’ It seems unfair on Martha and a little selfish of Mary. Yet Mary is commended and Martha is gently chastened. We read that Martha was distracted, literally weighed down, and became ‘worried and upset about many things’. As a result she muddled up her priorities and she became resentful towards Mary. Her time with Jesus was being squeezed.
It’s an easy mistake to make. Life is busy, especially leading up to Christmas. There are jobs to do and demands on our time. Time with Jesus through Bible reading and prayer gets squeezed or neglected. But if we make time with Jesus a priority, then he will help us to have a right perspective on other things. As we approach Christmas, let’s make sure that all the preparations do not distract us from keeping our focus on Christ, our Saviour and Lord.
24)# ’God sent his Son.’
Galatians 4:4 (1-7)
Our salvation is sourced and completed in God. ‘God sent…’ It’s a mission that was in place before the foundation of the world. There was no need for any adjustment or changes. There was no delay, as God sent, ‘when the time had fully come.’ Everything God does is on time. No need to be early, never late, but always according to his timetable. ‘God sent…’ There was direction and purpose in God’s mission. From heaven to earth, ‘the Father has sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world.’ (1 Jn 4:14). And the mission was accomplished - completely.
‘God sent - his Son.’ This is God incarnate. Our salvation is personal and costly. Not everyone welcomed his coming. Somehow, God himself, comes himself in the person of Christ to be a sacrifice for our sin! This is the mystery that ‘the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.’ (Jn 1:14). This is not a God who stays remote or removed from the action, but becomes incarnate and ‘has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet without sin.’ (Heb 4:15) Amazing grace! Amazing love! And the reason for this mission? Look at verse 5, ’…that we might receive the full rights of sons’.
25)# ’Born of a woman, born under law.’
Galatians 4:4 (1-7)
Christ was not delivered wrapped up like some Christmas present. He was delivered from the womb of a woman, after-birth and all. No cotton wool or soft glow, but the harsh reality of being laid in a crib, probably amidst the smell and mess of animals. Let’s not let Christmas romanticise the plain truth of Christ being born of a virgin who was pledged, but not yet married.
Born a Jew, raised as a Jew, Jesus lived under the same demands of the law as every other Jew. There were no concessions for Christ taking on the likeness of man. The demands of God’s law had to be fully met in him, if he was to be our Saviour. And met they were, for he was without sin. Christ was born, Immanuel - God with us.
26)# ’To redeem those under law.’
Galatians 4:5 (1-7)
Christ’s birth was not by human decision. He was not born to help Mary and Joseph start a family. Christ became incarnate to fulfil God’s plan of salvation. He was born to die and become the ransom to redeem those living under the condemnation of God’s law.
God’s law sets the standard that is required to be right before God, but in reality it shows us how far short we all fall. As a result we are slaves to sin, destined for God’s wrath. But thank God for Jesus today. Christ has lived the life, paid the price and brought us back to belong to God. No longer under law, but under the covering of God’s grace. What a gift! What a price! What a Saviour! Hallelujah!
27)# ’That we might receive the full rights of sons.’
Galatians 4:5 (1-7)
Being a son is more than just sharing the family name, though we do bear the name of Christ. It’s about position and relationship. Once we were far away from God, now we have been brought close. Once we were enemies, now we are God’s friends. Once we were slaves, but in Christ we are now God’s children!
Both Jew and Gentile, slave and free are one in Christ before God. The full rights we receive are a share in the inheritance that God has for Christ Jesus (Rom 8:17). Full rights speak of being able to possess all that is ours in Christ. Whilst we have these in part now, there’s coming a day when we shall have them fully. What a wonderful day that will be. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
28)# ’I delight to sit in his shade and his fruit is sweet to my taste.’
Song of Solomon 2:3 (3-7)
In this love song, there are many images that apply to our relationship with the Lord Jesus. This one is of an apple tree that provides shade from the sun, as well as sweet fruit to eat. For those in hot climates the heat of the day can be an uncomfortable time, so shade is sought for relief and rest. Even better when the tree provides refreshing fruit as well as shade. This is the analogy that the woman uses to describe being with her lover.
Things in life can be like an unrelenting sun, leaving us struggling, parched and even withered - physically, emotionally and spiritually drained. So that’s when we can come to Christ who gives rest to the weary, refreshes those who are dry and nourishes us with his bread of life (Jn 6:35). Whatever we need, it can be found in Christ. Enjoy his shade and his refreshment today and then share it with others too.
29)# ’Come to me ... and I will give you rest.’
Matthew 11:28 (25-30)
When weary or overwhelmed by the struggles of life, we might have a sit down, listen to some soothing music or go for a quiet walk. But Jesus invites the weary and burdened to come to him to receive rest. A sit down or a quiet walk may remove us temporarily from the troubles, but won’t remove the troubles from our lives. When we get up or arrive back, they will still be there. What we need is to know that someone bigger than us, bigger than our struggles, is there to help us overcome and see us safely through.
That ‘someone’ is Jesus and when we come to him, he gives us rest and peace deep within. ‘Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you’ (1 Pet 5:7). Knowing that someone else is in control, when we are floundering or struggling, brings peace. Help will be provided, a way ahead will be revealed and our strength will be renewed. Let's not wait or struggle on alone, but come to Jesus today.
30)# ’David went in and sat before the LORD.’
1 Chronicles 17:16 (7, 11-19)
In the Bible there are various postures that people have when coming before the Lord. Sometimes they stand with arms raised, sometimes they bow down, sometimes they prostrate themselves. Here David sits, struggling with disappointment. He longed to build a dwelling place for the Lord. Somewhere very special. He’d dreamt about it, imagined it, planned it, worked it all out – only to be told by the Lord that the building would be done by his son Solomon.
But then the Lord reassured David of his eternal promise and his great love. It was like a big hug from God and David was overwhelmed. He went in and sat before the Lord, just to enjoy his presence, acknowledge his sovereignty and give thanks for everything. We’d do well to follow his example and take time out just to sit before the Lord and enjoy his loving embrace. So let’s find the time and space to sit before the Lord today.
31)# ’Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.’
Colossians 3:15 (12-17)
As we move from one year into another, it’s important to start as we mean to go on and this is a good way to begin. The word ‘rule’ speaks of a deliberate decision. It’s like an umpire who makes a decision after deliberating on what has happened, rather than according to his feelings or emotions. It is not about being passive and letting circumstances dictate, but an active choice that we make. That’s why we let, we allow, Christ’s peace to rule - it’s a deliberate choice.
Everyday life has its pressures of one sort or another which stir our emotions and can leave us feeling stressed. We become vulnerable to panic and confusion. So that’s when we need to let Christ’s peace rule. Breathe it in, ask for Christ’s help with decisions or getting things done, trust him to guide us. Then we can rest in Christ, knowing that he will see us safely through whatever comes our way, in the year ahead.