Bible Readathon
Releasing the Power of God by reading the Word of God.
• Cover to cover • Non-stop • Out loud •
A unique experience and one that you won’t forget. Be part of an incredible oneoff event. Things happen when the Bible is read out loud. Peoples’ lives are changed and spiritual powers are engaged.
This is suitable for an individual church or group of churches to run and serves as a means of witness as well as celebration. A Bible Readathon Pack is available on request which includes:
Time-plan with readings divided into 300 x 15 minute slots
A sign-up sheet to help you organise your readers
Confirmation letters, slips and sample invitations and everything else you’ll need to organise and run a successful Bible Readathon. For more details of what is in the pack click here.
£15.00 per pack - to order please follow the link here, choose the method of payment and then complete the form as required.